Unusable Nametags


What is the purpose of a name tag? Ideally, it’s to announce your name to people within talking distance. There are a couple of problems with the name tag shown above:

  •  The Lanyard is too long, and her name tag is below the table.
  • 50% of the time, the name tag is flipped around backwards.
  • The names are too small to read at a distance.

The name tags at TED Conferences are designed well, and eliminate some of these problems. First of all, the first name is the largest thing on the name tag – big enough to see across a table (see this blog post for a picture). Also, there’s line at the bottom that says “Talk to me about:” followed by a list of a couple hobbies and interests. That’s some usable information.

When you’re talking with someone you just met, two things you want to know are their name and something you might have in common to talk about. I suppose some day, when Augmented Reality becomes more commonplace, the need for physical name tags will disappear, and people will be able to see whatever public information someone wants to share. Perhaps this augmented vision will show a person’s name, a few people you two know in common (like “mutual friends” on Facebook), a place you both visited recently, and common interests.


But until that happens, we’ll wear name tags at conferences. And if a name tag is not designed well, I’ll usually wear it as high as possible, closer to my face, so it’s easier for people to see my name. (This picture is at the same conference as the woman above.)

Box Fans are Backwards

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